The first car arrived in Burgas in 1909. Its brand is ‘FORD’ and it is owned by Vladimir Petrov from Burgas. The car had an average speed of 30 km per hour, instead of front doors it had chains and the lights were carbide lamps. One year later the same model car is owned by another man from Burgas – Aleksi Yordanov. In 1911, the entrepreneur Aleksi Yordanov becomes an owner of another car with the brand ‘FIAT’. With that car, he starts making favors to the other citizens by driving them from the center of the city to the mineral baths.
During the first years of the last century in Burgas the outside the city transport, made by personal vehicles of the owners for payment, are gaining popularity. As time passes in Burgas are formed the first private transport services and in 1937 is created the automotive agency ‘Burgas strela’. The main activity of the firm was the transport of passengers and goods.
In 1947 Municipality of Burgas gets five buses with which is put the beginning of urban transport in the city. By that time the bus lines were only two – from ‘Georgi Dimitrov’ square to ‘Pobeda’ neighborhood, serviced every half hour and from the city center to the mineral baths, which is serviced three times a day. In 1948 to the existing bus fleet are added three more buses with brand ‘SHKODA’.
The urban transport lines are increasing after 1967 when gradually are added new buses with brand ‘Ikarus’.
In 1969, Burgas was one of the Bulgarian cities that had bus service with no conductors and a few years later in 1974 was created the first central dispatch center.
With the arrival of the first five buses in 1947, Municipality of Burgas created a municipal company ‘Gradski prevozi’, and part of which is separate as a company by itself. In 1953, the company is transformed in ‘Komunalen transport’.
The director at that time Ivan Yordanov is remembering: ‘The people weren’t used to our buses and instead of using them they preferred walking by foot. Now this sounds strange but it really was like that. We took a decision for a couple of days to execute free of charge courses. We reached our aim – a bit by bit the people convinced themselves of the advantages of the bus transport and soon it became inseparable part of the daily activities of the citizens of Burgas.’
Almanac ‘Weekdays on wheels’ S. 1984. Creators: Nikolova, J.; Gotsev, K. and Karpulski, M.
The team of the project ‘Integrated urban transport of Burgas’ is thanking for the assistance of the Historical department of the Regional library ‘Peio Yavorov’, Burgas!
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